1. Name The name of the association shall be the Robins Nest Supporters Club. 2. Aims The aims of the association are to carry out: - Fundraising for Swindon Speedway riders equipment - The organisation of social events for supporters
3. Membership Membership shall be open to all speedway supporters and will run annually from March to March. Membership prices will be set and agreed annually by the committee. 4. The Committee - Office bearers will consist of Chairperson, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Events Manager, Fundraising Manager. - Committee members and office bearers will be elected on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.).• Retiring members will be eligible for re-election.
5. Meetings - Open meetings will be held at least once per year.- Committee meetings will be held as required.- A.G.M. will be held in November of each year.- In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.- The committee shall appoint sub-committees where appropriate.
6. Finance a) Robins Nest Supporters Club finances shall be managed by a Treasurer who will be appointed annually at the A.G.M. b) All monies collected and managed by the Robins Nest Supporters Club will be held in an appropriate bank account. c) There shall be three nominated signatories. d) No cheque will be passed for payment until it has been signed by two of the nominated signatories. e) At no time should any cheque be signed unless all the other details have been completed. f) All transactions must be adequately documented with appropriate receipts and/or written explanations. g) All transactions must be recorded in the official Robins Nest Supporters Club accounts book. h) Money taken at any Robins Nest Supporters Club event shall be counted by two committee members one of whom shall normally be the Treasurer. A written statement of the amounts involved will be kept. Money should be banked as soon as possible after any event. i) The Treasurer will present a financial statement at every Robins Nest Supporters Club committee meeting. j) The Robins Nest Supporters Club accounts will be available for scrutiny at all Robins Nest Supporters Club meetings and at other times by arrangement with the Treasurer. k) Accounts will be closed on 31st March of each year. l) These accounts will be audited by an appointed auditor. m) An annual statement of account will be presented at each Robins Nest Supporters Club A.G.M. n) It shall be competent for the Treasurer to retain in hand a sum, not exceeding £50 to meet current expenses. o) Should it be necessary to wind up the affairs of the association, any remaining funds will be transferred to Swindon Speedway 7. Alterations to the Constitution No alteration shall be made to the constitution except at an A.G.M. or E.G.M., such proposed changes being specified in the notice calling the meeting. Changes can be approved by a simple majority of those attending.
Swindon Motorsports Ltd launches "Call for Sites" to help identify new motorsports arena in Swindon.